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Like it's predecessor, CPA, Jade uses a C-like proprietary scripting language for implementing game, object and world specific behaviours.

This language appears to be only typically used for development purposes, and instead as when a title is shipped, the scripting language will usually be converted into C/C++ and compiled natively for the target platform for better performance.

A basic guide on getting started with scripting in Jade is available here.

Basic Concepts

FIXME TODO: Explain the basic concepts of the language


FIXME TODO: Explain the syntax of the language


FIXME TODO: List all the keywords of the language


FIXME TODO: List all the conditions of the language


FIXME TODO: List all the functions of the language

OBJ_Me() : A reference to the object the script is attached to.

Position OBJ_PosGet() : Returns a vector of the position of an object OBJ_PosSet(VECTOR) : Sets object position to vector

Rotation OBJ_RotateLocalZ(FLOAT): Rotates an object locally around the z axis OBJ_RotateLocalX(FLOAT): Rotates an object locally around the x axis OBJ_RotateLocalY(FLOAT): Rotates an object locally around the y axis

Flag OBJ_FlagInvisibleSet(INT): Disables the AI of an object with hiding it OBJ_FlagInactiveSet(INT): Disables the AI of an object without hiding it OBJ_FlagsIdentityTest(INT) : returns int


FIXME TODO: List all the functions of the language

jade/scripting.1710168809.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/03/11 14:53 by yeg_g