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UbiArt Framework


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In the year 2010, Ubisoft has announced the UbiArt Framework alongside Rayman Origins, an episodic game with the engine in-use. The engine has been developed with Ubisoft Montpellier and Michel Ancel. UbiArt's purpose was to serve artists and animators a reliable and easy engine usability and environment.

Michel Ancel has planned to release the engine for public releasing and licensing, however, no plans have been confirmed and the engine has remained close-sourced to Ubisoft executives.

On an interview with Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot on April 19 2019, he has stated out that executives has been struggling to use the engine and pointed out that “the tools were difficult to use”. There has been plans to distribute the engine to other Ubisoft studios. However, they decided not to as they wanted to “spend a lot of time with a lot of people to actually help people to use it.” Yves Guillemot has mentioned that the engine has not been abandoned: “It's still there, and you can see other things using it, but it's not as predominant as it used to be”, leaving a note that the engine has not been forgotten.

ubiart/history.1674516073.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/23 23:21 by payopayo