isg: Generic object. Can be anything, but it is still readable thanks to the serialization system for generics.
act: Actor (NOTE: In Rayman Origins, act files are Actor Templates)
tpl: Actor_Template
fcg: FriseConfig - the template of a Frise object
msh: GFXMaterialShader_Template - Material Shader info
gmt: RO2_GameMaterial_Template - Game material, contains all info about the collision (e.g. can you wall run on it, is it slippery, etc.)
anm: AnimTrack - an animation
pbk: AnimPatchBank - UVs and positions on the rig of “patches”, parts of a sprite sheet.
tga: TextureCooked - A texture with a header
png: TextureCooked - A texture with a header
Still unparsed files
sgs: Presumably Scene reference file
Special files
atlascontainer: UVAtlasManager - Contains all the UV data of all non-animated objects in the bundle. The texture filename is used to access it, so creating a new texture file and using it in a scene with a TextureGraphicComponent requires modifying the atlascontainer file.