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jade:scripting [2024/03/11 14:57] yeg_gjade:scripting [2024/03/11 15:12] (current) yeg_g
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 A basic guide on getting started with scripting in Jade is available [[jade:scripting:getting-started|here]]. A basic guide on getting started with scripting in Jade is available [[jade:scripting:getting-started|here]].
-===== Basic Concepts ===== 
-//FIXME TODO: Explain the basic concepts of the language// 
-===== Syntax ===== 
-//FIXME TODO: Explain the syntax of the language// 
-===== Keywords ===== 
-//FIXME TODO: List all the keywords of the language// 
-===== Conditions ===== 
-//FIXME TODO: List all the conditions of the language// 
 ===== Functions ===== ===== Functions =====
 //FIXME TODO: List all the functions of the language// //FIXME TODO: List all the functions of the language//
 +With some of these, if you have an object variable, you can preface the function with @objectVariable to specify what the function is for. 
 ''OBJ_Me()'' : A reference to the object the script is attached to. ''OBJ_Me()'' : A reference to the object the script is attached to.
 === Position === === Position ===
Line 50: Line 37:
 ''OBJ_FlagsIdentityTest(INT)'' : returns int ''OBJ_FlagsIdentityTest(INT)'' : returns int
 +''OBJ_SightGet():'' Returns vector of forward vector of the object
 +''OBJ_Duplicate(VECTOR)'' : Duplicates current object to location (?)
 +''OBJ_Rotate_FromTo(VECTOR, VECTOR)'' : Rotates an object from one rotation to another.
 +''OBJ_Destroy()'': Destroys object
 +''OBJ_MorphProgSet(INT, FLOAT)'' : Determines the current frame of a shapekey/morph animation
 +''OBJ_SqrDist(OBJECT)'' : returns float, also gets the distance between objects?
 ===== Procedures ===== ===== Procedures =====
 //FIXME TODO: List all the functions of the language// //FIXME TODO: List all the functions of the language//
 +===== Basic Concepts =====
 +//FIXME TODO: Explain the basic concepts of the language//
 +==== ETAT/States ====
 +Certain characters are laid out with multiple states and execs, which handles different parts of the character’s movement.
 +The function ''AI_TrackCurChangeNow()''changes the state.
 +''AI_Execute()'' executes other scripts, usually used for those with EXEC in the title. 
 +Rayman’s States
 +==== Rayman's ETATs/States ====
 +rayman’s default state, handles code on whether or not rayman should switch to another state. 
 +Rayman attached to something
 +Cheat mode, for devs
 +Rayman’s death
 +Taking Damage
 +Blank state, does nothing
 +===== Syntax =====
 +//FIXME TODO: Explain the syntax of the language//
 +===== Keywords =====
 +//FIXME TODO: List all the keywords of the language//
 +===== Conditions =====
 +//FIXME TODO: List all the conditions of the language//
jade/scripting.1710169033.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/11 14:57 by yeg_g